About DelEX
Program Overview
The Delbarton Externship Program (“DelEX”) creates an opportunity for rising seniors to connect with alumni and parents, explore career opportunities, and extend learning beyond school boundaries.
- Hosts and students can choose in-person or virtual sessions.
- Alumni and parents of alumni in private enterprise or public service will invite interested students to their places of business or participate in informative, interactive Zoom sessions.
- DelEX is an opportunity for students to get a first-hand view of a professional environment, a typical workday, and real-life challenges.
Key Dates
- March 8: Morning meeting presentation for juniors
- April 11: Host applications begin
- May 10: Host applications end
- May 20: Student externship selections begin
- May 27: Student externship selections end
- June 5: Externship schedule published
- June 11: Coaching session (mandatory for participating students)
- June 12: Externships begin
- July 12: Externships end
Jim Gallombardojgallombardo@delbarton.org
Neil Murphynmurphy@delbarton.org
John Ahslerjahsler@delbarton.org